Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i can't juggle it all!


Lately I have felt overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. And all that I want to do. That's the kicker. I probably have plenty of time to do the things I have to do if (IF!) I didn't do anything else. But to be realistic, I need to find a good balance between the two.


I get frustrated with life, and then I notice that the "wanna do's" are taking priority over my "need to do's". Or even worse! Completely wasting time was taking over my list of priorities. It wouldn't matter if I had my priorities straight if I was wasting my time.

southern toad

Well, I realized today that I was letting some things slip. Some of my normal day to day things were not getting done. And I was glad! I realized that I've been focusing on the important things - my husband, my kids, homeschooling, meals (ok, not house cleaning - oh well). And I've been letting go of some things - swaps and excessive computer time. I've even forgotten a few things - tumblr and facebook (I kinda hate facebook, I don't know why I was checking it so often).

I know I will deal with the "wanna do's" (and wasting time) taking over again, and again. But for now, I'm pretty pleased that things are a bit more balanced.

The pictures in this post are from this morning. Even though we had a busy day ahead of us, I was glad that we had the time to enjoy a toad Zach found before breakfast.


Jodi Nelson said...

I can totally relate. ;o) thanks for sharing.

Twisted Quilts said...

I remember being right where you are years ago. Hang in there, life won't always be the way it is today. Your kids are what's important.

Unknown said...

It sounds to me that you are getting some balance back in your life and that is a good thing.

woolywoman said...

I hate to mention it, but your jam seems to have, uhm, turned. (ducking and running)

Clare said...

More family time and less computer time is good.

I hate toads! DD manages to pick them up in her hands (shudder).

Helen said...

Facebook eats my time. It is EVIL! I would get soooooo much more sewing done if it wasn't for that!

LJ said...

Ya do what you gotta do to make sure whatever needs or wants to get done is done. Most importantly try to have fun somewhere in there! Nice toad, but please take him off the kitchen table? :)

Michelle said...

Laugh, find something to laugh about, and find someone to share that laugh with. I have chronic pain and when I wanna just cry, I do, then I look for something to laugh about, for example, I laughed when I saw you table, take a look at your cereal box, I did a double take. Laugh! It puts life in perspective.

duckyhouse said...

so completely understand this post, really. and putting your family first is always a great place to start...housework and computer can wait. actually, housework can always wait ;)

I am a fb hater too, every once in a while I deactivate my account...then I get a battery of emails from people seeing if I'm still alive. I'm still not sure what to do about fb.